Hidayat Febiansyah
Technical Architect
- Jakarta, Indonesia
- hidayat.febiansyah@gmail.com
- hidayat.febiansyah.name
Currently working as Technical Architect, specialized in Front-end (Web) technology. Have a very high interest of Javascript and its progress. Love to discuss and compare various types of solutions and approach to certain problems.
Sun Moon University, Republic of Korea (Doctorate)
Doctorate Degree in Philosophy,
focused on Hybrid Memory System administrator and
developer APIs with dynamic wear-leveling support
Sun Moon University, Republic of Korea (Master)
Master Degree in Science,
focused on the peer-to-peer and video delivery schemes in heterogenous clients.
University of Indonesia
Computer Science, final student project: Moodle class evaluation plugin improvement
PT Global Digital Niaga (Blibli.com)
Technical Architect
Surya University
PT Biru Merah technology
Software Architect
Science Laboratory at Sun Moon University
Lab Member